Highlighting Someone Awesome
Meet people from all walks of life and see how they are championing sustainability in their own unique ways. Inspiration and hope from awesome people!
The following content is from the “Highlighting Someone Awesome” section of the What on EARTH?! sustainability newsletter:

Climate groups by profession/industry – get connected!
Before diving in, a quick heads up - Crowdsourcing Sustainability is looking for some new teammates to help with developing a new climate impact tool, SEO, and uploading content/social media. So if any of these feel like a good fit for you, please do apply (and let me...

What on EARTH?! 🌍
We're mixing it up and going back to the original "What on EARTH?!" structure for the Crowdsourcing Sustainability newsletter this week! For those who don't know, this was my way of using an acronym to balance the newsletter when I first started writing it in 2018 -...

Wisdom from Carl Sagan
Two quick things for you this week. First - Hallelujah! Seriously, what a relief. I hope you have celebrated and found some moments of peace 🙂 More than 78 million Americans stood up and voted to get Trump out of power. (Of course, Trump is still...

Dear Tomorrow – letters to loved ones in 2050
I've got something a bit different for you this week. But first things first. A friendly reminder that the 2020 US election ends in 5 days. Your vote matters. And just as important, you are a trusted messenger for your friends, family, and colleagues. Get the...

Best Climate and Sustainability Newsletters
“Everyone needs to be educated on climate change because climate change and our response to it is going to change the world over the next 25 years as much as the internet did in the last 25 years.” — Joe Romm "The climate emergency is not just another issue — it’s an...

This is the Best Article I’ve Read in Months
There aren't many people who have been following, writing, and thinking about climate change longer than Bill McKibben. He nails this article. Here's how it starts: "Let’s imagine for a moment that we’ve reached the middle of the century. It’s 2050, and we have...

Juliana vs US, healthcare industry pollution kills, Ecosia, and Jay Inslee
This week I'm going back to the original structure with a slight twist - it's a bit shorter and I'm tying in or building on the ~90 articles I've written in the last 10 months. Exciting The most important federal court case in the US gets some recognition Last...

Greta Thunberg speaking truth to power
I just wanted to share these two videos of Greta Thunberg with you. In them she is speaking truth to power. She tells it like it is. You may remember, I mentioned Greta a few emails ago. She's the 15 year old Swedish girl who has sparked school strikes for...

9 Key Takeaways from Climate Leaders
Last Fall I went to the Drawdown Learn conference in NY which was fantastic. I got to hear from many brilliant leaders. I also met a bunch of folks while presenting at the EXPO - lots of fun! As I've said before, the science terrifies me. But meeting and being...

Kiribati: 118,000 People on the Frontline of Climate Change and Mike Roman’s Mission to Help
Kiribati: 118,000 People on the Frontline of Climate Change and Mike Roman's Mission to Help Mike is an academic advisor at the University of Cincinnati by day, and a Pacific Climate Change Warrior by night. He has been working tirelessly for nearly 19 years to tell...

A Rising Star, Nalleli Cobo Stands Up Against Big Oil for What is Right
Nalleli Cobo Stands Up Against Big Oil for What is Right Nalleli is a rising star. At 17 years old, she's already been working on a single issue for nearly a decade. What could possibly be important enough to inspire a 9-year-old to become an activist and stick with...

Ian Monroe: Scaling Climate Solutions with Sustainable Investing
Ian Monroe: Scaling Climate Solutions with Sustainable Investing Ian's a bit of an all-star (although a humble one) to the point where I can't possibly give all of his accomplishments the full recognition they deserve in such little space. To give you a taste though,...

Jim Gandy: South Carolina’s Weatherman Leads on Climate Change
Jim Gandy Leads on Climate Change Jim has been a professional meteorologist for 44 years and has collected numerous awards on his way to becoming known as “South Carolina’s Weatherman”. His journey with climate change started in 2005 at a retirement party when several...

Master Storyteller Follows the Greatest Story of Our Time: Climate Change
Claire Schoen has been guided by her passion for social justice throughout her career. She's won numerous awards for film and radio documentaries and has taught radio production at Stanford, U.C. Berkeley, and Duke. Claire loves getting a glimpse into other people's...

US School Strikes for Climate Set to Take Off with Help from Youth Leader
With youth leaders like this, it's only a matter of time until school strikes for climate take off in the US It's 10 AM on Friday and -2℉ in New York City. Thirteen-year-old Alexandria Villasenor is worried about frostbite and making her existing cold worse, but it's...

Alex Posner and Kiera O’Brien: College Republicans Take Stand on Climate Change
Alex Posner and Kiera O'Brien College Republicans Taking a Stand on Climate Change Alex and Kiera currently attend Yale and Harvard respectively. They are leaders of a Republican-led, bipartisan group called Students for Carbon Dividends. The organization launched...

Ben Block and Other Climate Dad’s Step Up on Climate Change
When Ben answered my call he was a bit out of breath, having been on the move. He was on his way back to the office after getting his flu shot. We were discussing his side-hustle after all, so this seemed quite appropriate. Ben's story will resonate with almost any...

Devi Lockwood: Telling the Climate Stories of People Around the World
Devi Lockwood The woman traveling the world for 1,001 climate stories Devi is adventurous, inspiring, has an impressive track record, and is a pleasure to chat with! Rather than the facts and figures we typically associate with climate change, Devi is working on...

Peterson Toscano: Climate Comedian, Theatrical Performance Activist, & Storyteller
Peterson Toscano Climate Comedian, Theatrical Performance Activist, and Storyteller Peterson is the type of person you talk to and then find yourself thinking about certain things in new or exciting ways for the rest of the day. I just got off a call with him and wish...

Skeptical Science’s Founder John Cook: A Leader in Climate Communication
Skeptical Science’s Founder John Cook: A Leader in Climate Change Communication When people don't realize (or don't believe) that 97% of scientists are in agreement that humans are causing climate change, they are less likely to support taking action. It is crucial...

Steve and Heidi Frail: The Story of Unexpected “Creeping Environmentalism”
Steve and Heidi Frail How the Frail's realized going green is a no-brainer and became "Creeping environmentalists" Steve and Heidi are the parents of two boys. Steve does marketing for engineering software and Heidi works in a hospital as an x-ray tech. They are a...

Goux & Boccara: The Overview Effect and Real Videos of Earth from Space
Jean-Pierre Goux and Michaël Boccara Bringing the overview effect to people around the world with videos of Earth from space Jean-Pierre Goux and Michaël Boccara are the founders of Blueturn.earth (which they do on top of their regular jobs). Blueturn aims to generate...

Kathryn Kellogg: A Leader in the Zero Waste Movement
Kathryn Kellogg A leader in the zero waste movement Kathryn is a professional actor who also happens to be helping to lead the zero waste movement on the side. Zero waste means sending nothing to a landfill. But don’t let that trip you up! It’s more of a direction...

Lucy Sherriff: Sustainability Journalist
Lucy Sherriff I met Lucy at a climate change event in Boston last fall during HUBweek. We created a group to discuss what it’s like talking to people about climate change and how it can be done better. Lucy is a freelance journalist covering social justice,...

Chris D’Agostino: Climate Activism with Music
Chris D'Agostino Creative and catchy climate activism Chris is just wrapping up his studies at Brandeis University where he majored in Neuroscience. He also happens to be a musician which led to this fun, clever, and catchy music video (it's been in my head for days -...

Chris Ann Lunghino: A Role Model for Climate Activism
Chris Lunghino: A Role Model for Climate Activism In my opinion, Chris is a role model. She has empowered thousands to not only become more sustainable but in many cases to be advocates for sustainability going forward. She has been successful, in part, because she...

Best Climate & Sustainability Podcasts
Updated on November 24, 2020. “Everyone needs to be educated on climate change because climate change and our response to it is going to change the world over the next 25 years as much as the internet did in the last 25 years.” - Joe Romm "Live as if you were to die...

16 Sustainability Leaders Weigh In: How YOU Can Help To Reverse Global Warming
Ever wonder how you can help solve the climate crisis? Top sustainability leaders in the world share their wisdom on the most effective things each one of us can do to help.

2019’s Best Climate and Sustainability Content
These are my 5 favorite climate content that has come out over the past year or so. I hope you bookmark this and come back to it as these really are that good. Very inspiring and empowering. Greta Thunberg's Ted Talk. Alex Steffen's thread giving advice to climate...
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