Local climate events and orgs for my MA folks!
The Crowdsourcing Sustainability newsletter goes out to 875+ people now from 50+ countries, but every now and then I’ll send a bonus one just for my friends in Mass 🙂
(170 of us now!)
I wanted to share some local climate groups you may like – specifically giving you the links to their events pages or local chapters so you can go and get a feel for them if you so choose.
They’re all wonderful but have slightly different vibes and strategies – all valuable in different ways. There’s something for everybody!
- Extinction Rebellion: Civil disobedience to disrupt business as usual, demand the government declare a climate emergency, and set aggressive emissions reductions. Rooted in compassion.
- Sunrise Movement: This is a youth led movement that is a driving force behind the Green New Deal, helping to get money out of politics, and is really an amazing, empowering community to be a part of.
- Mother’s Out Front: A movement of Mothers doing what they can to ensure a livable climate for all children. They do it by showing up to rallies, legislative hearings, meeting with local officials, and whatever else local leaders deem effective.
- Massachusetts Climate Strike: The equivalent of Fridays For Future in Massachusetts. (Think: Greta inspired school strikes.)
- 350 MA / Better Future Project: Works to hold our politicians accountable and undermine the destructive influence of the fossil fuel industry.
- Citizens’ Climate Lobby: Focused on bipartisan carbon pricing legislation (one of, if not the, most effective climate solution).
- Climate Reality Project: Al Gore’s group focused on raising awareness. Their big training events are quite good (my thoughts on the one I went to).
- Crowdsourcing Sustainability: I created a Meetup group but haven’t gotten around to using it much. If you want to make something happen, let me know – we had a pretty good “climate beer” the other week!
There are many more fantastic climate organizations in Massachusetts. I can’t list them all.
If you’re part of an org already, please let me know! I’m in several and am always looking to see how we can be more effective by working together.