Community Impact

I could use your help today!
Instead of spending the normal 5-10 minutes reading our newsletter, would you please use that time to fill out our impact survey?
This would be super helpful because it’s important for us to better understand:
- The collective impact the Crowdsourcing Sustainability community is making in the world.
- How much and in what ways CS has helped you.
- What to focus on moving forward so we can keep making our work more valuable for you!
It will also help us to create our first impact report, raise funds from foundations to sustain our small nonprofit, and, to be honest, hearing your stories about the impact our work is having is extremely motivating for us. I’m not sure Crowdsourcing Sustainability would still be here today if people like you hadn’t shared their stories of what this work meant to them and what real-world impact it led to. Your stories mean so much to me.
We simply don’t know the ripple effects of what we do unless you take the time to tell us 🙂
So thank you to everyone who has reached out in the past. And thank you to everyone who shares with us today by filling out the survey.
I appreciate you!